Friday, December 10, 2010

Autumn's Loving Hand

This morning I learned about an annual local Christmas Lights event called Autumn's Lights. I want to pass along the link and information about this incredibly generous local charity.

From the Website:
My parents and I have a non profit organization called "Autumn’s Loving Hand", named after me. Every year we put up a huge Christmas light display to raise money for kids in need. It was something that my parents started the first day I was born to begin a tradition and teach me about helping others.

Every year, hundreds of people come by to see our lights. All of the donations we receive go to help a child suffering from a medical condition such as cancer, osteoporosis,  cerebral palsy, various types of transplants and more.

I am very blessed to be in great health, unlike so many other kids out there. Please stop by this year and help support my cause.

Thanks and God Bless!

Visit the website to learn more at

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